Departmental News

Dr. Tabkhi and his team named in NSF Success Stories
NSF has selected Dr. Tabkhi and his team’s research in Smart and Connected Community (S&CC) as from the Lab to Implementation – S&CC Success Stories during the 2022 PI meeting. The presentation is available here.

Dr. Ahmed Arafa wins NSF CAREER award
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Dr. Ahmed Arafa, Assistant professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering the prestigious NSF CAREER AWARD entitled “Towards Realizing Timely Information Transfer and Processing for Networked Communication Systems”. The award amount is $500,000 with a duration of 5 years starting September 2022 and an expected date of completion of […]

2022 New Faculty
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department welcomed two new faculty members in 2022. Dr. Ke (Cory) Wang joined as Assistant Professor in spring 2022. His research interests include computer architecture, interconnection networks, machine-learing enabled computer architecture design, graph and neural accelerators. Dr. Minhaj Alam joined as Assistant Professor in fall 2022. His research interests […]

Dr. Cecchi appointed as an Honorary Consul of Italy to NC
Dr. Valentina Cecchi, Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been named Honorary Consul of Italy to the state of North Carolina. Dr. Cecchi was appointed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and endorsed by the U.S. State Department. The Honorary Consulate extends the network of […]

Charlotte Area Robotics Club wins First place in the IEEE hardware competition
At IEEE SoutheastCon 2022 in Mobile Alabama, Charlotte Area Robotics club won first place in the hardware competition, a robotics challenge where students build a small robot that completes a series of tasks on an obstacle course. This competition involves students from universities across the southeast region. [Read more]

Dr. Kamalasadan wins Siemen’s Energy Award
Dr. Sukumar Kamalasadan, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has received funding sponsored by Siemens Energy for developing digital twin power system models for hybrid technology configurations. The award amount is $100,000 for one year. Dr. Michael Smith from Engineering Technology and Construction Management is the Co-PI. Today’s transmission grid is experiencing several challenges, as […]

Dr. Chowdhury wins Engineering Research Center Planning grant
A three-university team (UNC Charlotte, North Carolina State University and Clemson University) along with Duke Energy has recently won a National Science Foundation (NSF) planning grant to identify the potential for an engineering research center. The team led by PI Prof. Badrul Chowdhury will use the award amount $99,623 for one year to identify the […]

Development of Screen-Printable Cu Paste
Dr. Abasifreke Ebong, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has received funding sponsored by Bert Thin Films LLC as a part of the Department of Energy (DoE) Solar Energy Technology Office (SETO) for a total of $250,000 for two years. Dr. Richard Stephenson at Silicon Valley Materials Technology (co-PI) and Dr. Dana Hankey at ACI […]