Yogendra Kakad, Ph.D.

Dr. Yogendra Kakad, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Ph.D. University of Florida, 1975
- M.S.E. University of Florida, 1970
- B.S.E. University of Baroda, 1967
- Control System Theory
- Spacecraft Controls
- Operations Research
Selected Publications:
- Douglas Isenberg, Seung Back, Mark Caddell, Michael Miller, David Hill, and Y. P. kakad, “A Method of Gravity Offloading with SCARA Manipulator”, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Systems Engineering, pp.165-170, August 2011.
- Amengonu Yawo , Y. P. Kakad, “Dynamics and Control of Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots”, Proceedings of 22ndInternational Conference on Systems Engineering, pp.16-21, September 2012.
- Benjamin Walker, Y. P. Kakad, and Bharat Joshi, “Design of a Supervisor for a Fault Tolerant System” , Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Systems Engineering, pp.271-276, September 2012.
- Vikram Karwal, Y. P. Kakad and, Barry Sherlock, “Independently updating the DCT and DST for shifting windowed data”, Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol.350, pp. 1345-1357, March 2013.
- Amengonu Yawo , Y. P. Kakad, and Douglas Isenberg, “The Control Moment Gyroscope Inverted Pendulum”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 240 Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp.109-118, January 2014.
- Y. H. Amengonu, Y. P. Kakad, Dynamics and Control of Constrained Multibody Systems Modeled with Maggi’s Equations Part I” , IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 65, 2014, 27th International Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future 2014, 22-24 July 2014, London, UK. 012017.
- Y. H. Amengonu, Y. P. Kakad, Dynamics and Control of Constrained Multibody Systems Modeled with Maggi’s Equations Part II” , IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 65, 2014, 27th International Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future 2014, 22-24 July 2014, London, UK. 012017.
- D. Isenberg, Y.P. Kakad, “.A Quadratic Angular Velocity Approximation of the Minimum Mean Squared Angular Acceleration Attitude Quaternion Interpolation”, Submitted to the Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, November 2016.