Maciej Nora

Maciej Noras
Affiliated Faculty, Associate Professor, Electromechanical Engineering Technology
Engineering Technology and Construction Management
- Ph. D. in Engineering Science, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, 2000
- M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 1994
Research Grants:
- “Net-Zero Energy Building Operator Training Program”, DOE, 2010-2012, $589,843, Co-PI.
- Proposal: “Feasibility of Doherty Amplifier for Driving Variable Loads in a Low Frequency Range” submitted to the UNC Charlotte Faculty Research Grant program – not funded, March 5, 2008.
- Proposal: “Electric-field Sensors and Sources for Detection of Geophysical Anomalies” submitted to the Army Research Laboratories in cooperation with Quasar Federal Systems in response to the ARL broad agency announcement – waiting for decision (pending since 4/25/08)
- Proposal: ” Precision Driver for Large Displacement Piezoelectric Actuators” submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) on 2/15/09 – not funded
- Proposal: ” Collaborative Research: Design of Pharmaceutical Blends Using Electrostatic Interactions” in collaboration with Purdue University, Dept. of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy, submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) on 3/02/09 – not funded
- “Web-Based Delivery of Power Engineering Laboratory Course”, NSF, submitted on 5/22/09, role: PI, funding requested $197,437, declined
- “Net-Zero Energy Building Operator Training Program”, Dept. of Energy, submitted on 08/31/2009, role: PI, funding requested: $589,843, pending
- ” Research Experiences for Teachers: Sustainable Infrastructure and Energy Systems”, NSF, , submitted on 11/16/09, role: Investigator, funding requested $500,00, pending
- “Collaborative research: Design of pharmaceutical blends using electrostatic interactions”, NSF, submitted on 3/03/2010, role: PI, funding requested: $660,311, pending
Recent Publications:
- Apra Pandey, Jerzy Kieres, Maciej A. Noras, “Verification of Non-Contacting Surface Electric Potential Measurement Model Using Contacting Electrostatic Voltmeter”, J. Electrostat., vol. 67, no. 2-3, pp. 453-456 (2009).
- Maciej A. Noras, Apra Pandey, “Evaluation of Surface Charge Density with Electrostatic Voltmeter – Measurement Geometry Considerations” presented at the IEEE Industry Applications Society 43rd Annual Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Oct. 5-9, 2008
- Arnold Steinman, Maciej A. Noras, “Static Control Standards in The Semiconductor Industry”, presented at the 30th Annual Electrical Overstress/ Electrostatic Discharge Symposium, Tucson, AZ, Sept. 7-11, 2008
- Maciej A. Noras, William A. Maryniak, “Monitoring of Electric Potential of Semiconductor Wafer”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (C) 5, No. 4, 935–938 (2008)
- M. A. Noras, W. A. Maryniak, “Non-Contacting Electrostatic Voltmeter forWafer Potential Monitoring”, Proceedings of SPIE Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXI Conference, 2/25 – 3/02, 2007, San Jose, CA, vol. 65186
- M. A. Noras, “Electrostatic Measurements on Semiconductors”, SEMI NorthAmerica Standards Meeting, 3/4-8, 2007, Boston, MA (invited presentation)
- M. A. Noras, “An apparatus for the charge-to-mass and charge-to-diameter measurements on powders”, Proc. of 12th International Conference on Electrostatics: Electrostatics 2007, 3/25-29, 2007, Oxford, U.K.
- M. A. Noras, “Air ionizer monitoring and control with sectioned charged plate sensor”, proc. of ESA 2007 Annual Conference, June 12-15, 2007, West Lafayette, IN.
- Maciej A. Noras, William A. Maryniak, “Monitoring of Electric Potential of Semiconductor Wafer”, presented at the 9th International Workshop on Plasma-Based Ion Implantation and Deposition (PBIID’07), Sept. 2-6, 2007, Leipzig, Germany
- S. Yamaguchi, M. A. Noras, B. T. Williams, J. Kieres, “New Surface Electrostatic Potential Measurement Technology”, presented at the ESD Forum 2007, Dec. 4-5, 2007, Munich, Germany
- M.A. Noras, “Power Supply Systems for Driving Actuators”, 47th ICAT/JTTAS Joint International Smart Actuator Symposium 10/3-4, 2006, State College, PA (presentation)
- M. A. Noras et al. “Trends in External Ionizer Monitoring and Control” Proceedings of the 28th Annual EOS/ESD Symposium 09/10-14, 2006, Tucson, AZ, pp. 240-246
- M. A. Noras, J. Kieres, “Surface potential measurements in electrostatics – new developments”, The 2nd Nordic ESD Conference, International conference on ESD 9/5-6, 2006, Karlskoga, Sweden
- M. A. Noras, J. Kieres, “Electrometer for Electrostatic Potential Measurement”, Proceedings of the 5th Conference SFE-2006 of the “Société Française d’Electrostatique”, 8/30-31, 2006, Grenoble, France, pp. 303-307
- M. A. Noras, “Electrostatic Measurement Issues and SEMI E43”, SEMICON West, 7/10-14, 2006, San Francisco, CA (invited presentation)
- M. A. Noras, B. Wang and V. Nguyen, “A miniature charged plate for testing charge accumulation in hard disk drives”,J. Electrostat. 64 (2006) 768-772
- M. A. Noras, J. Kieres, K. M. Mossi, and K. K. Leang, “The Design of a High-Voltage Charge-Feedback Piezoamplifier”, Actuator 2006 Conference Proceedings, June 14-16, 2006, Bremen, Germany pp. 553-555
- M. A. Noras, J. Kieres, W. A. Maryniak, “Electrostatic Voltmeter with a Piezo-Driven Cantilever Beam Sensor”, Proc. of the ESA/IEJ/IEEEIAS/ SFE Joint Conference on Electrostatics 2006, June 6-9, Berkeley, CA, Vol.1, pp. 76-84
- J. Beck, M. Noras, J. Kieres, J. E. Speich, K. M. Mossi, and K. K. Leang “Hysteresis characterization using charge feedback control for a LIPCA device”, Proceedings of SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Conference, Feb. 26 – Mar. 02, 2006, San Diego, CA,vol. 6170
- J. Kieres, M. A. Noras, and W. A. Maryniak, “Use of a piezo-driven cantilever beam as a sensor for electrostatic voltmeter”, Proceedings of SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Conference, Feb. 26 – Mar. 02, 2006, San Diego, CA,vol. 6166
- M. A. Noras, D. Pritchard, “Ion imbalances on an ionizer-controlled work surface”, J. of Electrostatics, 2006, v. 64, no.5, p. 290-295
- M. A. Noras, “Monitoring of Flowing Charges With an Electrostatic Voltmeter”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2006, v. 42, no. 1, p. 2- 6
- M. A. Noras, W. A. Maryniak,”Performance of a voltage and a charge feedback amplifier driving an MFC actuator”, 5th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMEC5), Dec. 10-14, 2006, Bangkok, Thailand
- M. A. Noras, P. McAnn, J. Kieres, “A charge feedback controller for a piezoelectric voltage amplifier/driver”, 2006 MRS Meeting, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2006, Boston, MA
- M. A. Noras, “A Simple Instrument For Q/D/M Measurements on Powders”, Control of Particulate Processes VII Conference, Oct. 29 – Nov. 2, 2006, Harrison Hot Springs, BC, Canada
- C. J. Lemke, M. A. Noras, “Using a Charged Plate Monitor to Test Static-Dissipative Materials and Hand Tools”, Conformity, Dec. 2006, p. 40-46
- M. A. Noras, W. A. Maryniak, S. Yamaguchi, “Surface Electrostatic Potential Measurement Techniques”, 2005 Taiwan ESD Conference (TESDC-2005), Nov. 14 – 16, 2005, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- M. A. Noras, S. Yamaguchi, B. T. Williams, J. Kieres, “Electrometer for electrostatic potential measurements”, 2005 RCJ Meeting, Nov. 10-11, 2005, Tokyo, Japan
- M. A. Noras, “Ultra high impedance voltmeter for electrostatic applications”, Industry Applications Conference, 2005 40th IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2005 IEEE, Volume 3, 2-6 Oct., 2005, Hong Kong, p. 2194 – 2197
- M. A. Noras, B. Wang, V. Nguyen, “A miniature charged plate for testing charge accumulation in hard disk drives”, Proceedings of 27th EOS/ESD Symposium, Sept. 11-16, 2005, Anaheim, California, p. 357-361
- M. A. Noras, W. A. Maryniak, “Power supply design for pulsed power plasma applications”, Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Aug. 7-12, 2005, Toronto, Canada, p. 1126-1127
- M. A. Noras, B. T. Williams, J. Kieres, “A novel ion monitoring device”, J. of Electrostatics, 2005, v. 63, p. 533-538
- B. T. Williams, M. A. Noras, W. A. Maryniak, “Ion balance monitoring for air ionizers evaluation”, Proceedings of the ESA Annual Meeting 2005, June 21-24, 2005, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- M. A. Noras, “Measurement of flowing charges with an electrostatic voltmeter”, Industry Applications Conference, 2004. 39th IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2004 IEEE ,Volume: 4 , 3-7 Oct. 2004, p. 2714 – 2716
- M. A. Noras, “Discharge Times and Voltage Offsets for Charged Plates of Different Sizes and Capacitances” Proceedings of the ESA Annual Meeting 2004, June 23-25, 2004, Rochester, New York, p. 141-149
- M. A. Noras, W. A. Maryniak, C. J. Lemke, “Surface voltage/charge measurement using a 100 µm spatial resolution electrostatic voltmeter”, Proceedings of the ESA Annual Meeting 2004, June 23-25, 2004, Rochester, New York, p. 133-140
- M. A. Noras, D. Pritchard, “Ion Imbalances on the Ionizer Controlled Work Surface”, Proceedings of the 25th EOS/ESD Symposium, Sept 21-25, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, p. 265-270.
- M. A. Noras, W. A. Maryniak, “Power supply for pulsed power plasma devices”, Proceedings of the ESA-IEEE Joint Meeting on Electrostatics, June 24-27, 2003, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas, p. 739-744.
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