Dr. Mohammad Parvinnezhad Hokmabadi, Ph.D.

Dr. Mohammad Parvinnezhad Hokmabadi

Assistant Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Education and Training:
  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 2016
  • M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, 2009
  • B.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, Tehran Polytechnique, Tehran, Iran, 2006
Research Areas:

General area of Optical and Laser Sciences with current interest of:

  • Non-Hermitian and Supersymmetric Optics
  • Optical and Terahertz Metamaterials
  • Photonic Crystals
  • Semiconductor Lasers
  • Optical Biosensors
Selected Papers:

  1. Paul, A., Volk, A., Hokmabadi, M., Rigo, E., Kermani, H., Almonte‐Garcia, L., … & Timp, G. (2024). Modular Assembly of Metamaterials Using Light Gradients. Advanced Materials, 2401344.
  2. Hokmabadi, M. P., Schumer, A., Christodoulides, D. N., & Khajavikhan, M. (2019). Non-Hermitian ring laser gyroscopes with enhanced Sagnac sensitivity. Nature576(7785), 70-74.
  3. Hokmabadi, M. P., Nye, N. S., El-Ganainy, R., Christodoulides, D. N., & Khajavikhan, M. (2019). Supersymmetric laser arrays. Science363(6427), 623-626.
  4. Kennedy, E., Hokmabadi, M., Dong, Z., McKelvey, K., Nelson, E. M., & Timp, G. (2018). Method for dynamically detecting secretions from single cells using a nanopore. Nano Letters18(7), 4263-4272.
  5. Parvinnezhad Hokmabadi, M., Philip, E., Rivera, E., Kung, P., & Kim, S. M. (2015). Plasmon-induced transparency by hybridizing concentric-twisted double split ring resonators. Scientific reports5(1), 15735.
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