2022 Graduate Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award

2022 Graduate Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Moinul Hossain is the Recipient of the 2022 Graduate Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award for the category of Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Engineering. This award recognizes outstanding research and scholarship by a doctoral student at UNC Charlotte.
Dr. Moinul Hossain earned his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from UNC Charlotte in August 2020. His PhD advisor was Dr. Jiang (Linda) Xie. His dissertation addresses security issues under the unique challenges of spectrum coexistence among heterogeneous wireless technologies. His research aims to enhance effective spectrum utilization and enable the coexistence of heterogeneous wireless networks by designing attack models, analyzing them, and creating counter-mechanism strategies against these threats. Dr. Hossain’s dissertation addressed the spectrum requirements of future wireless networks—from a security perspective—and proposed novel ways for secure spectrum management, which aims to harness the design benefits of Marconi and meet additional Quality-of-Service, security, and privacy requirements. The overarching goal of this research is to consider security and privacy as central tenets while developing new spectrum-sharing paradigms that will fuel the future wireless networks for centuries to come, that is, the adoption of the security-by-design principle.
After graduating from UNC Charlotte, Dr. Hossain joined the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Towson University, MD as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. He is also an incoming tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Cybersecurity Engineering at George Mason University, VA, starting Fall 2022. His current research interests include, but not limited to, security assessment of wireless network protocols, cross-technology radio spectrum sharing, dynamic spectrum access, and vehicle-to-vehicle communications.