
Innovation on Electric Grid Reliability and Power Quality

Dr. Sukumar Kamalasadan, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Distinguished Scholar of the College of Engineering, won a 2024 NC Innovation Award for his project “Grid Ancillary Services with Uninterruptible Power Supply (GAUPS)”. Funded by a $500 million state budget, NCInnovation (NCI) supports innovative researchers from North Carolina’s public universities that have been proven to have commercial […]

ECE Professor’s Research on AI for Public Safety wins NSF Spotlight

Dr. Hamed Tabkhi’s innovative project on advancing public safety through AI/ML has been spotlighted in NSF’s Smart and Connected Communities (S&CC) program. His project, “Building Safe and Secure Communities through Real-Time Edge Video Analytics,” combines computer vision, behavioral analysis, and edge computing to address urban safety concerns. Dr. Tabkhi has received a new NSF Grant, NSF CIVIC […]

Smart Wireless Communication Networks

Dr. Ran Zhang, Assistant Professor of ECE, is developing new UAV communication networks with a dynamic UAV lineup.  His multi-drone prototyping project has been extended to three autonomous drones which can decide its movement via onboard intelligence and inter-communicate via onboard WiFi. The goal is to develop an autonomous multi-drone platform free of human intervention […]

AI for Ophthalmic Diagnosis

Dr. Minhaj Nur Alam, Assistant Professor of ECE, is working with clinical collaborators at Wake Forest, Illinois Health, and Stanford to develop novel federated learning approaches for the prediction of geographic atrophy which is an advanced form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is one of the leading causes of severe vision loss. Clinical deployment […]

Research in Broad Sensing Technologies

Dr. Babak Parkhideh advanced his research in broad sensing technologies by collaborating on two highly competitive projects with scientists from the University of Maryland, College Park, and UNC Charlotte’s College of Computing and Informatics. In the project with UMD, Dr. Parkhideh is leading research on ultrafast, non-intrusive current sensing. If successful, this work could enable […]

Wireless Power Transfer for Rail Electrification

Dr. Tiefu Zhao from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, along with Dr. Shen-En Chen and Dr. Nicole Braxtan from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has spearheaded groundbreaking research to develop the first wireless power transfer (WPT) technology for railway applications in the U.S. This research has secured over $1 million in […]

AI and Hardware Security for resilient Electric Power Systems

Categories: Spotlights

Research in the Hardware and Embedded Design and Security (HEADS) lab focuses on hardware-based authentication framework using strong physical unclonable functions (PUFs), new authentication techniques, incorporating lightweight cryptographic primitives, and novel pre-boot authentication and storage encryption functions for trusted platform modules (TPM). Recent research develops, validates, and demonstrates CyberPREPS, a concurrent learning cyber-physical framework for […]

Research in Quantitative Imaging and Artificial Intelligence

Categories: Spotlights

The nascent field of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have experienced unprecedented growth in recent times, especially in healthcare and biomedical applications. For example, artificial neural networks have revolutionized the analysis of nonlinear functions with millions of inputs, however, most of the work is still superficial in medical AI, primarily focusing on downstream […]

Intelligent and Efficient Interconnection Network Design for Multicore Systems

Categories: Spotlights

Dr. Wang and his research team tackle the critical Network-on-Chip (NoC) design challenges by developing an intelligent, adaptive, multi-layer approach design framework for multicore systems. The overarching goal is to enable cooperation and dynamic adaptation across all system abstraction layers to obtain globally optimal solutions for system-level reliability, performance, power, security, and cost. Besides the […]

Research in Quantitative Ultrasound

Categories: Spotlights

Research in Quantitative Ultrasound to Enhance Soft Tissue Imaging (QUEST) lab is led by Prof. Farah Deeba with a mission to identify non-invasive imaging biomarkers as a surrogate for the underlying pathophysiological processes for the early prediction and monitoring of diseases. Ultrasound is widely accepted as the next-generation imaging modality of choice, but it is […]