ECE Professor’s Research on AI for Public Safety wins NSF Spotlight

Dr. Hamed Tabkhi’s innovative project on advancing public safety through AI/ML has been spotlighted in NSF’s Smart and Connected Communities (S&CC) program. His project, “Building Safe and Secure Communities through Real-Time Edge Video Analytics,” combines computer vision, behavioral analysis, and edge computing to address urban safety concerns. Dr. Tabkhi has received a new NSF Grant, NSF CIVIC Challenge, bringing recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and video analytics to transform Charlotte’s city center from a traditional Central Business District (CBD) space into a dynamic Central Activity District (CAD). To this end, this project will leverage privacy-preserving video analytics with integrated AI-assisted solutions to influence public perception and usage of urban spaces, enhancing the urban living experience, improving the quality of life, and reducing service disruptions. The lab has also successfully installed and tested Real-world AI testbeds integrated into communities including the 7th Street public market and ABC store in Charlotte showing the practical significance of the project. So far Dr. Tabkhi has received 1.4M funding in the academic year 2023-2024. For additional details on this project and other lab activities please click here.