Tuition and Financial Aid


Graduate tuition and fee rates are based on the student’s program campus code, student level, and residency. Rates are per semester.

The Graduate School offers a limited number of tuition awards to qualified graduate students who hold assistantships (either a TA or a RA). Qualified students are nominated by the Graduate Program Director for consideration of the Graduate School to receive these awards.

For more information about the tuition support process, go to the Graduate School’s website.

Several fellowships are also available to outstanding graduate students. Relevant information may be found at the Graduate School funding website. Interested students should consult their academic advisor or the Graduate Program Director for further information on fellowships. The department nominates deserving candidates for various fellowship opportunities every year, and the awards are made by the Graduate School.

Teaching and Research Assistantships

The ECE department offers a number of Teaching Assistantships (TA) to new students, with priority given to Ph.D. students. TAs are intended to support deserving graduate students during their initial period of study, beyond which students are encouraged to find financial support in the form of Research Assistantships (RAs) from their research advisors.

Admission to the ECE graduate program is not a guarantee of receiving an assistantship or financial aid.

Teaching Assistants are hired by the department to assist faculty members with teaching classes or laboratories. Duties include assisting students with laboratory experiments, grading, conducting problem sessions, and being available to provide technical assistance to students. TA awards are generally made for the academic year (fall and spring semesters). Normally, the number of available TA positions are very few as compare to the number of applicants. Therefore, teaching assistantships are very competitive. Priority is given to Ph.D. students in their initial period of study and Master’s students who are involved in research.All enrolled graduate students will receive emails from the department with the TA application form at the beginning of each semester.

New applicants to the M.S.E.E. program can indicate their interest for a Teaching Assistantship by checking the appropriate box on their online application at the time of applying to the Graduate School in AY.Students already enrolled in a graduate program should contact the department by email ( :

Requirements to be qualified for a TA appointment:

  1. Must be a full time ECE student and pursuing a graduate degree in the ECE department.
  2. Must maintain a GPA of 3 points or better.
  3. International students must pass ELTI English language requirements.


  1. M.S. students cannot work more than 4 semesters as TAs.
  2. TAs may be discontinued on the recommendation of the department chair due to lack of performance as a TA.
  3. TAs may be discontinued on the recommendation of the department chair due to lack of progress toward their degrees.
  4. Availability of Teaching Assistantships is subject to the ECE department’s funding availability.

Research Assistants are hired by faculty members with research grants to assist them with their research projects. RAs are administered by individual faculty members with funding. Therefore, students interested in research assistantships should contact individual faculty members directly.